Wednesday 4 January 2012

Introductions to my little project.

Hi, I'm Chelsea.  I am a 21 year old makeup artist from Canada, who has a secret love for video games, and has very little time for (or is it very little drive for?) working out.

My boyfriend recently got me a wii fit plus for Christmas, as just prior to the holiday season I had decided that I was finally serious about losing weight. And had been struggling along with workout videos like Jillian Micheal's 30 day challenge and trying to stay motivated.

Of course as Christmas and new years came about, I stopped my new healthy food diet and began eating copious amounts of chocolate, and working out fell by the wayside. Luckily for me healthy eating isn't the hard part, so I have easily gotten right back on that diet. I love vegetables....

After reading a couple different peoples blogs, and experiences with their wii fit, and how they used it every day and lost weight and felt better, I have decided to do it as well.

I will work out a minimum of 5 days a week, for those 5 days I will work out for an hour.
I will record my findings, my workouts, how I am feeling and reacting to the game, how I feel the next morning, how much my cat weighs even!

I am going to start my challenge at 4 weeks 5 days a week including a healthier diet, and see where that gets me.

Hopefully because its a video game, i will stay motivated and find something that really works for me.

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