Wednesday 4 January 2012

Day 2

Day 2
Weight: 154
Height: 5'8
BMI: 23.4
Workout time: 1 hour 5 min

Custom Routine Exercises:
Sun salutation
Palm tree
Downward Dog
Torso twists
Push up and side plank
Rowing Squat
Sideways Leg Lift
Arm and leg lift
Downward Facing dog
Deep Breathing

Aerobic Exercises:
Hula Hoop
Super Hula Hoop
Free Step for 30 mins (altered for height with my mats)

I didn't stick to alternating arms and legs because there really aren't that  many arm exercises that just work out arms.  I really enjoyed my work out today. My favorite strength move is definitely the arm and leg lift , the lunges, and the rowing squat ( which I do with hand weights)

One thing I wish the wii fit plus included was a really good warm up and cool down with just stretches and maybe some jumping jacks to follow along with.  I know you can obviously do this yourself, but not everyone will realize they should and may get injured.

Once again, I love the free step!

Let you know how I feel tomorrow.

Fun Fact:   My cat suki weighs 11 pounds

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