Friday 6 January 2012

Day 4

Day 4
Weight: 155
Height: 5'8
BMI: 23.6
Workout time: 1 hour 11 min

Custom Routine Exercises:
Deep Breathing

Half Moon
Single Leg Extension
Push up and Side plank
Torso Twists
Push up and Side plank
Sideways Leg Lift
Rowing Squat
Arm and Leg Lift
Half Moon
Sideways Leg Lift
Spine Extension
Deep Breathing
= 34 Minutes

Aerobic Exercises:
Super Hula Hoop 6 mins
Free Step for 30 mins (altered for height with my mats)

Unlocked another challenge today!
The PLANK challenge, HAH I will probly never do that one unless I turn into some crazy amazon body builder, I hate planks and can barely do the 30 second one on my strength/yoga list.

Last night and this morning I wasn't feeling well and it woke me up several times. I also stayed in bed until noon!  But I still got up and ate a healthy breakfast and did my workout, I actually feel a lot better now.

I am pretty impressed with myself that I have been working out an hour every time so far! I thought I would all ready be slacking off and just putting in half an hour!

I find this so much better then work out videos because I can personalize it for myself, and see results specific to me!

Tomorrow my boyfriend is going to try it with me! I will let you know how he likes it as well, just in case any male readers are interested.

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