Wednesday 4 January 2012

Day 1

Day 1
Wii fit age: 34
Weight: 155
Height: 5'8
BMI: 23.6
Workout time: 1 hour 6 min
Actual time on wii: 1 hour 20 mins

Yesterday was my first real day with the wii fit plus. I had all ready created a profile after I had been dieting and exercising for a bit, but on Christmas  morning before my Christmas and new years binge.  When I signed on my wii promptly scolded me for not being there for ten days, weighed me, told me I had gained 4 pounds and asked me what could have possibly made me gain so much weight.  I picked the ate too much option, and began my journey.

I started off with a balance test, let me just say I am not very well balanced, and the fact that it just throws you into these balance games with no real idea what you are doing doesn't help. Either way, the wii told me that I probably tripped a lot when I walked.

So far, I am not overly encouraged haha!

Once I  was allowed to go into training mode I went to the locker room, and tried out the option for creating a seamless workout so I didnt have to click back to the menu every time.  I picked 20 minutes of strength and  yoga exercises, and started.  One thing I kept putting down my wii remote because it would get in the way and then I would realize I needed to click the next button or something. I also hated that you had to hold the wii remote while doing certain exercises because I feel it got in the way of my form.

But all together the workout was pretty good.  I did work up a bit of a sweat, even though I didnt find it too hard.

After I finished my list of exercises I went into the aerobics section and did the hula hoops game, which I really love, and makes me feel like I'm working my abs tons. I found it really fun, and worked up a sweat.  I also did the boxing game, which I had tried previously and had unlocked the expert version of, I also really like the boxing game, it doesn't get my heart racing unless I put a lot of power behind my punches, so I really do and it makes it that much better.

For the rest of my workout I did the free workouts, I started with 10 minutes of free stepping and watched tv while doing it.  After your done it vibrates and then you go back to the screen and it tells you how many steps you have done, I did 815. I decided that I really liked the option to watch tv and workout, but the stepping wasn't doing much because the wii board is so low to the ground.

I grabbed a bunch of mats I had laying around from when we had a home exercise gym and stacked them till they were almost a foot high and put my wii board on top.  I did another 20 minute free step this way, and it worked alot better. 1706 steps this time.

For my last ten minutes of my wii workout I did the free run, tucked the wii remote into my pants and just ran as much as I could.  That really tired me out.

Later in the day I decided that the jackknife sit ups I did during the strength and yoga segment weren't enough for me so I did 100 crunches while holding my 3 pound hand weights in each hand.

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