Saturday 7 January 2012

Day 5

Day 5
Weight: 155
Height: 5'8
BMI: 23.6
Workout time: 1 hour 5 min

Calories Burned: 254

Custom Routine Exercises:
Deep Breathing

Half Moon
Single Leg Extension
Push up and Side plank
Torso Twists
Push up and Side plank
Sideways Leg Lift
Rowing Squat
Arm and Leg Lift
Half Moon
Sideways Leg Lift
Spine Extension
Deep Breathing
= 34 Minutes

Aerobic Exercises:
Super Hula Hoop 6 mins

Rhythm Boxing (several times)
Short Basic Run

Long Basic Run

Balance Exercises:
Soccer Heading (several times)
Snowball fight 
Table Tilt

My bf tried working out  with me today, he is considerably bigger so he only worked out for 40 minutes but got quite a bit more out of the exercises, he worked up a sweat much faster then me and burned 318 calories which was more then I burned, even though I worked out for 25 minutes longer.

His favorite ones were the soccer heading, running, and boxing.
He liked the activities that were actually games better, though we didn't put a straight workout routine together for him this time.

We ended up having a soccer/boxing war sadly he beat me in both, but I came pretty close in the boxing.

Hopefully I will start showing more weight loss soon, though I do feel more defined

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